It doesn't matter who you are, it matters who you want to be.
For everyone there is a perfect job!
We know that during this period the number of applicants for a job is growing.
Get in front and increase your chances of employment.
Consult Forum offers free advice and helps you in your employment process.
• Psychological Testing (ICC) and a personality profile that can be presented to the company in the interview.

• Language test (choice English, French, German). After testing Forum Consult offers a certification level of knowledge.
• Test of knowledge(for the area in which you want to find a job). After testing Forum Consult offers a certification level of knowledge.
• Test package for Office programs that are known by the candidate.After testing Forum Consult offers a certification level of knowledge.
• Making your assessment report to be presented at the interview and to the potential employers containing a complete picture about your: abilities, skills, knowledge and psychological profile.
If you are interested in this offer send a requested to schedule an appointment with one of our consultants.
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